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Be in charge of your work life with our new Coople Job App for Android and iOS. The simplified new design and easy-to-use features allow you to find the jobs that truly match your skills. Getting to work has never been easier. We’re confident you’ll love these features below!

The Coople Job App puts you in charge

Take control of your work life with our new job search. In the marketplace, you can use filters to find jobs that best match your profile. You only want to work on Mondays and close to home? No problem: select ‘Monday only’ in the calendar and see what’s out there for you. Are you free to work any time but want to work at least 5-hour shifts? Just increase the scale to 5 hours minimum to see all jobs with a longer duration. In addition, our algorithm will also send you requests for the jobs that match your profile, meaning you stay in charge while still seeing all our available jobs. One tip: the more regularly you log in, the more likely you are to receive requests. Our algorithm considers ‘activity’ as a metric when selecting who to notify.

All the information you need in one overview

Our new dashboard intuitively shows you everything you need to know at the right time. With your upcoming jobs, we’ll show you where and when your next shift starts. Completed a job recently? Hour confirmation and ratings are just one tap away.

Search for jobs with the map view

Try our new map function – you’ll be able to see the jobs you filtered in a map view, making it easier than ever to find that job near your location. Zooming in will show you exactly where the job is – tap it and you’re on your way to applying for it!