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Hire committed and flexible professionals with CoopleFlex

You don’t need to compromise the quality of your staff to gain speed and flexibility. In just a few hours, CoopleFlex helps you choose, hire and manage verified workers – for a shift or months at a time. The best part? We take care of background checks, administration and payroll, so you focus on what matters most: your business.


Like a staffing agency, but faster and transparent.

Create jobs
Publish jobs in seconds. Select the number of workers you need, their skills, experience level and hourly rate. We do the matching for you from 700,000 profiles with our advanced search algorithm.
Select professionals
Receive applications in hours. Open your candidates’ profile and review CV, ratings, recent jobs, skills and experience level. You choose your best fit.
Manage workers
Create groups of favourites, hire directly and build long-term relationships with the best performers. Use a QR code for automated time-tracking across multiple jobs, locations and people. Want to see your workers here? You can bring them!
Adapt your shifts
View all your jobs and shifts in one table with real-time status updates around coverage, attendance and time-tracking. Take quick actions as your plans change: add day, evening and night shifts as you need them, request more workers, and stop hiring anytime.
Build ratings
Give ratings to Cooplers after a job, tell us what they did well, and support their career progression. Be prepared to build your company reputation; you’ll also receive ratings from Cooplers!
Get one invoice
Receive one invoice from Coople for all the hours worked across multiple locations. Forget about administrative and payroll costs. We take care of our Cooplers’ salary, including insurance, holiday maternity, paternity pay and pension.

What does CoopleFlex offer to you?

CoopleFlex helps you hire certified, flexible staff in an instant. Forget about lengthy hiring processes, our matching algorithm qualifies candidates for you. Plus, you can bring transparency into your hiring and scheduling process with our complete Coopler profiles, intuitive shift planning view, real-time status updates and more.

Why do you need that?

Coople’s team are a combination of human resources, technology and finance experts dedicated to meeting your sourcing needs with speed, quality and flexibility. Our secret is to put people at the heart of what we do. We care about our Cooplers’ financial and career goals. This is why we provide contracts, employment benefits and avenues for progression. By doing things right, we know our professionals deliver the flexibility and commitment you need in every shift.

Try it today.

Key benefits of using Coople to manage flexible workers

Gain transparency

Understand how much you’re paying per hour, view at all times who is on-site and know what’s going on with coverage, attendance and time-tracking in real-time.

Digitise HR management

Let Coople’s matching algorithm qualify workers for you, automate time-tracking with a QR code, and more. See your team work faster and solve last-minute changes with an intuitive app.

Increase efficiency

Reduce your time-to-hire from weeks to hours. Bring your workers and build pools of favourite Cooplers to hire automatically. Forget about payroll and administration.

Bring value

Our Cooplers have skills and experience across 147 job profiles in retail, hospitality, events and office jobs. Everyone will bring value from day one, for as long as you need them.

Number of worker profiles analysed in seconds after you publish a job.

Our customers spend less than 1 hour making a hiring decision after receiving applications.

On average, Cooplers receive a 3.6 star rating for their work at our hiring companies.

We found 800 Cooplers in less than 48 hours for a logistics company in the UK.

We staffed 90 locations at the same time for a large retailer in Switzerland.

This is how we verify Cooplers

1. Qualify

Our operations teams review every candidate to make sure they can work legally and have the right skills and experience for the jobs you create.

2. Review

Every time a Coopler updates their information, a member of our team will spend time reviewing and validating their new skills and experience.

3. Quality control

We strive to reward our top-performers and remove professionals from the Coople platform who don’t meet our work ethics and standards.

Swiss teams trust the Coople solution

Discover the rewards of a flexible and committed workforce

See for yourself why more than 25’000 companies in Switzerland trust us.