Coople takes part in the HR Festival europe 2023

Coople takes part in the HR Festival europe 2023

The largest HR festival in Switzerland will take place on Tuesday, 28.03.2023, and Wednesday, 29.03.2023, at Messe ZĂĽrich. We are thrilled to be back on-site with a stand and to be the exclusive staffing partner of the HR Festival europe again this year.

The HR Festival offers over 40 exciting workshops and more than 200 exhibitors. Visit us at our stand D.02 in Hall 4 and get to know us. 

Learn more about “flexible HR strategies” from our CCO, Yves Schneuwly. He will be on stage on both exhibition days:

Get a bag of popcorn before you attend the next presentation or workshop and have a try at a round of cornhole. In addition to small gifts, we are also giving away tickets to the Weltklasse Zurich on 31.08.2023.

We are looking forward to an exciting exchange with you!
Celebrating ten years with Coopler Linda

Celebrating ten years with Coopler Linda

We couldn’t be prouder to celebrate the 10-year anniversaries of our Cooplers! Our Coopler Linda is also celebrating her 10th anniversary with Coople. In our interview, Linda revealed what motivated her to register with Coople back then and what professional and personal goals she is currently pursuing.

Introducing: Linda

When Linda registered with Coople 10 years ago, she was mainly working in the hospitality industry after her training as a chef. Over the past 10 years, Linda has been able to learn many new things, make new friends and even work with Rene Schudel thanks to Coople. Six years ago, Linda started her own business with digital crypto assets in customer support. As a reliable job platform, Coople helped her to build her own business.

Why did you join Coople?

“After my apprenticeship as a chef, I moved to France and spent one and a half years living and working on the Cote d’Azur in the south of the country. To improve my English, I then went to Australia. After 8 months, I started looking for a Swiss job from Australia to be able to work immediately upon my return. W This was not so easy, because at that time job interviews were still held on site. I looked for other solutions and came across the Coople Jobs App, where I found flexible and short-term jobs. Coople was the perfect solution to my challenge.”

What was your first Coople job?

“My first job was at the Hotel Alpenblick in Bern and I worked there as a chef. Thanks to the clear communication that Coople establishes between the companies and the Cooplers, it was a successful first job.”

“During my training at the Belvoirpark Hotel Management School in Zurich, Coople also helped me to earn money while studying.”

What new professional experiences and knowledge have you gained through Coople Jobs?

“Due to the fact that we always work with different people and teams at Coople, I learned to adapt and react flexibly all the time. My ability to memorise things was always challenged as I had to remember new procedures and information, such as new menus or new dishes, in the shortest possible time every time I had a new job. My knowledge of human nature and empathy skills also grew very much during this time. But I was also able to learn a lot of organisational skills, as it was common for me to work in four different companies in one month. During my training at the Belvoirpark Hotel Management School in Zurich, Coople also helped me to earn money while studying.”

What are your personal or professional goals at the moment?

“I started my own business six years ago and Coople helped me to flexibly generate another active income alongside my self-employment. This would not have been possible with a permanent job. Since every self-employment is about building up in the beginning. Coople was the best, easiest and safest way for me to secure my income. In the meantime, I use Coople to cover my fix costs and my entrepreneurship makes me financially free. But from January 2023, I’ll be travelling the world for two years, so I will take a break from Coople.”

What advice would you give to new Cooplers who have just registered?

“I recommend everyone to choose as many job profiles as possible and to work as many jobs as possible. You shouldn’t be too picky at the beginning to get good ratings as quickly as possible and build up an attractive job profile. It also makes sense to add unskilled job profiles to learn new skills.”

What new sectors/profiles were you able to experience thanks to Coople?

“I had the opportunity to work as an assistant of an event manager, as a hostess, in logistics, as a driver, in the commercial area, as a promoter and also in sales at my favourite sporting goods retailer, in addition to the many different hospitality jobs. I think it’s great how I’ve been able to gain insight into so many areas thanks to Coople.”

What is your favourite memory when you think about the last 10 years with Coople?

“There have been so many great moments, I can’t limit myself to just one favourite memory. I had so many nice and cool jobs, so many varied experiences, and so many cool people I was able to meet and with whom I am still in contact today. Overall, it’s a wonderful time to look back on, with many moments that I will remember for a long time. Two of them are, for example, a job at Migros Catering in St. Moritz, where I prepared roast beef on the grill in dream weather and white mountains, or the events in DĂĽbendorf with RenĂ© Schudel.”

Coopler Linda K. during a Coople Job

What message do you have for hiring companies?

“I love how grateful the hiring companies are for the Cooplers. For me, it’s normal to do my job, but this incredible gratitude that the companies make you feel is really nice. In general, I think the appreciation is unfortunately a bit lost in the labour market, but with temporary jobs it’s almost always there.”

Temporary workers are looking for further education opportunities

Temporary workers are looking for further education opportunities

Further education opportunities in the workplace is key to gaining new qualifications and supporting one’s professional development. Further education not only offers attractive possibilities to employees, but also proves to be a helpful tool for employers in order to attract quality candidates.

In June 2022, an internal survey was sent to over 4,000 employees of Coople, the digital platform. Those who had worked at least once since 1 January 2022 were asked about their interest in further education, as well as other related factors and industry-specific insights. The average age of survey participants was 36, of which 59% are female and 41% are male. The survey was conducted in three languages (German, French, English) and the results speak clearly about needs, trends and the demand for action.

The vast majority of respondents are interested in further education

Out of the 4,000 users who were interviewed, 94.3% showed interest in further education. Among the few percent who expressed no interest in further education, the most frequent reason given was that they had already completed further education (26.8%), as well as lack of time (22.8%) and lack of financial resources (21.4%).

Image that shows the interest in further education

Wide range of motivations for further education

In terms of individual motivations for further education, participants cited higher wages (16.9%), greater career opportunities (16.2%) and more in-depth professional competence (16.2%) as the most important factors. Other strategic and personal aspects were also important: in addition to better career opportunities, arguments such as lifelong learning, a better chance of finding a permanent job and the expansion of the personal network werealso mentioned.

Graphic that shows the motivation for further education

Commercial and language further education are most in demand among Cooplers

The options for further education are vast. However, a majority trend quickly emerged among the respondents. A quarter of the respondents indicated a desire for further education in the commercial sector, closely followed by 20% of participants citing an interest in further education in languages. Further education in the health sector and in logistics was also frequently mentioned. A special focus of the survey on the hospitality industry revealed exciting sector-specific insights. Hospitality employees were keen to pursue further education in the areas of “sales & guest service”, “wine knowledge”, “practical training” (e.g., carrying 3 plates, serving drinks, etc.), “preparation tasks” and “basic service knowledge”.

Graphics with the different areas where hospitality cooplers would like to do a further education

Duration of further education is a key factor – timing less so

When it comes to the duration of further education, there are clear preferences. Just under a quarter of those surveyed would like further education to last longer than three months in order to be able to deeply and intensively learn about a subject. A full 28.1%, on the other hand, would like further education to last between a few hours and a maximum of one day. Employees want either an intensive examination of certain topics or a rapid expansion of their own skills in order to be able to put what they have learned into practice as quickly as possible. The hour of the day and the day of the week of the further education are of secondary importance – not least because the respondents enjoy flexible work, where their time can be divided up as they wish.

“Our Cooplers are subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on Staff Leasing and can therefore benefit from a training budget from temptraining. What many people don’t know is that they are entitled to up to 5,000 Swiss francs for as few as 88 hours of temporary work. This benefit enables temporary workers to constantly expand their professional skills and knowledge and to develop professionally,” says Sabina Neuhaus, Group Head of Communications.

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