What new professional experiences and knowledge have you gained through Coople Jobs?
“Due to the fact that we always work with different people and teams at Coople, I learned to adapt and react flexibly all the time. My ability to memorise things was always challenged as I had to remember new procedures and information, such as new menus or new dishes, in the shortest possible time every time I had a new job. My knowledge of human nature and empathy skills also grew very much during this time. But I was also able to learn a lot of organisational skills, as it was common for me to work in four different companies in one month. During my training at the Belvoirpark Hotel Management School in Zurich, Coople also helped me to earn money while studying.”
What are your personal or professional goals at the moment?
“I started my own business six years ago and Coople helped me to flexibly generate another active income alongside my self-employment. This would not have been possible with a permanent job. Since every self-employment is about building up in the beginning. Coople was the best, easiest and safest way for me to secure my income. In the meantime, I use Coople to cover my fix costs and my entrepreneurship makes me financially free. But from January 2023, I’ll be travelling the world for two years, so I will take a break from Coople.”
What advice would you give to new Cooplers who have just registered?
“I recommend everyone to choose as many job profiles as possible and to work as many jobs as possible. You shouldn’t be too picky at the beginning to get good ratings as quickly as possible and build up an attractive job profile. It also makes sense to add unskilled job profiles to learn new skills.”
What new sectors/profiles were you able to experience thanks to Coople?
“I had the opportunity to work as an assistant of an event manager, as a hostess, in logistics, as a driver, in the commercial area, as a promoter and also in sales at my favourite sporting goods retailer, in addition to the many different hospitality jobs. I think it’s great how I’ve been able to gain insight into so many areas thanks to Coople.”