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Adding professional documents such as certificates, diplomas and any licenses you may have is a great way of showing off your skills and experience. This will also improve your profile and help you stand out as a great candidate.

What documents can you upload?

There’s a variety of documents you can upload via the Coople Job App. These include:

  • Diplomas: if you have any diplomas from completed courses, make sure to upload it to your profile to show off your education and professional training
  • Driving licenses: some jobs require a driving license. To receive such job requests and to apply successfully to these roles, make sure you add your driving license to your documents
  • Certificates: from language certificates to emergency first aid and mixology, we have a wide range of certificates you can upload
  • CV: to increase your chances of getting hired, it’s a good idea to upload and regularly update your CV. Read here for more information on how you can create a great CV

How can I upload my professional documents?

To upload your documents, make sure you have them saved on your phone or cloud system (such as Google Drive, iCloud or Microsoft365). Alternatively, you can take a picture of your document(s) with the Coople Job App.

  1. Open the Coople Job App
  2. Tap on Profile at the bottom right
  3. Tap on Documents, then tap Add Document
  4. Select the document type you want to upload
  5. Take a photograph of your document or upload from your phone or cloud system. Make sure the photo is clear, non-blurry and shows the document in full

And you’re all set!

For more information on how you can improve your profile, take a look at the links below.