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A new, flexible workforce recruitment agency for large enterprises.

Many organisations are unlocking growth with flexible workers.
Is your business fully leveraging the potential of this group?

Workforce flexibility is no longer just a nice-to-have.

Things change and business needs evolve. Without a flexible workforce, it’s hard to successfully navigate today’s business environment.

Whether you run nation-wide promotions or manage multiple stores, meeting customers’ expectations is critical even when demand is unpredictable. It is likely that you require temporary, flexible workers on a regular basis. And not only that, you require a flexible workforce that brings the level of skill and motivation your customers’ expect.

At the same time, workers want flexibility too. The number and quality of temporary workers in the economy is increasing. This includes many full-time workers who are ambitious but now need or seek a better work-life balance.

When matched correctly, flexible work arrangements are a win-win. They go beyond filling absences or fluctuations in demand to boosting productivity on more strategic projects; projects which unlock business growth and improve your bottom line.

Is your business making the most of the ever-growing flexible trend?

Solutions for finding flexible staff.

Identifying flexible talent is not always straightforward for several reasons:

  • Finding great workers can be tricky.
  • Costs are not always transparent, such as wages or service fees.
  • Complexity of scheduling and scaling can limit your speed.

Recruitment agencies, for example, are great at pinpointing talent but offer limited control for setting wages. They can also be slow when staffing larger projects across multiple locations or departments.

On the other hand, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions offer greater scheduling control but cannot guarantee coverage or quality of hire. Additionally, some solutions are not purpose-built to manage flexible talent and end up increasing your administrative burden when managing payrolled employees and external temporary workers.


The good news is a flexible workforce can solve these problems.

The proof? Hundreds of large enterprises that can now:

staff icon

Find quality staff they would rehire again at speed.


Control wages and hours in a transparent manner.

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Manage and scale internal and external workers seamlessly.

Can you afford to be behind the curve?

Go ahead. Try Coople.

Coople is a digital staffing agency that unlocks agility and drives performance through flexible workforce recruitment and management.

Large enterprises can realise their “people” advantage by using Coople’s three leading solutions that simplify how they source, select, schedule and pay flexible talent at scale:

Coopler profile


Find staff by booking flexible workers based on your needs on our platform or through the Coople for Business App.

Customer service agent rating


Offering temp to perm recruitment, you can assess workers on-the-job before making full-time hires.

Creating a group of workers


Streamline how internal and external workers are scheduled and managed from one tool.

The Coople difference.

Coople is an all-in-one solution that delivers value across the key stages of talent management.

Job matches that mean more.

What makes us different is that we operate a transparent marketplace with AI-based matching and 360-degree ratings that improve the quality and speed of matches over time, even at scale.

Our approach is successful because it taps into key market trends today, namely:

  • Flex work is no longer for B-employees.
  • Verified reputation is more important than CVs for worker-job fit.
  • Basic protections and opportunities for progression improve worker productivity.

Unlike a traditional workforce recruitment agency, we:

  • Give you control over who you hire, with the ability to set wage levels directly.
  • Save you money by reducing admin costs, slashing time-to-hire and charging only for hours worked.
  • Improve time-to-hire with real-time visibility of applicants, including skills, experience and ratings.

Unlike Enterprise Resource Planning tools, we:

  • Save you time by providing direct, scalable access to the largest flexible talent pool in Europe.
  • Improve productivity by combining the management of internal and external workers in one solution.
  • Reduce HR risk because Coople is the legal employer of workers on our platform.

Enterprise businesses love Coople because we:

Finding staff with Coople

01. Help operations teams:

  • Reduce time-to-hire with AI matching and rehiring “favourited” workers.
  • Increase coverage by accessing a talent pool with over 400,000 registered workers.
  • Control and set wages at a local level for competitive recruitment.

02. Help hiring managers:

  • Find quality flexible or full-time workers with the help of peer ratings.
  • Reduce voluntary turnover with AI matching that matches goals and preferences.
  • Schedule and fill rotas with internal and external workers to help respond to demand.

03. Help HR teams:

  • Reduce HR risk associated with a diverse and fluctuating workforce.
  • Save time by automating complex tasks such as hourly worker payroll.
  • Improve compliance with tracking of hourly workers.

01. Help operations teams:

  • Reduce time-to-hire with AI matching and rehiring “favourited” workers.
  • Increase coverage by accessing a talent pool with over 1 million registered workers.
  • Control and set wages at a local level for competitive recruitment.

02. Help hiring managers:

  • Find quality flexible or full-time workers with the help of peer ratings.
  • Reduce voluntary turnover with AI matching that matches goals and preferences.
  • Schedule and fill rotas with internal and external workers to help respond to demand.

03. Help HR teams:

  • Reduce HR risk associated with a diverse and fluctuating workforce.
  • Save time by automating complex tasks such as hourly worker payroll.
  • Improve compliance with tracking of hourly workers.

04. Help finance and procurement teams:

  • Save on hiring, payroll and admin costs.
  • Match workforce to demand to maximise profits.
  • Improve oversight and tracking of variable staffing costs against budgets.

05. Provide excellent help with implementation and support:

  • Setting up and rolling out Coople across your head office and other sites.
  • Training your teams on our easy-to-use, self-service platform.
  • Operational support and troubleshooting for large, complex jobs.

04. Help finance and procurement teams:

  • Save on hiring, payroll and admin costs.
  • Match workforce to demand to maximise profits.
  • Improve oversight and tracking of variable staffing costs against budgets.

05. Provide excellent help with implementation and support:

  • Setting up and rolling out Coople across your head office and other sites.
  • Training your teams on our easy-to-use, self-service platform.
  • Operational support and troubleshooting for large, complex jobs.
Coople retail applicants

Get started with a risk-free trial today.

With no minimum spend required, we often work with large businesses to run pilot tests in small parts of the business that prove value and ROI at no risk to you.
Whether you would like a phone call or just technical specifications to consider on your own time, we would be happy to help.

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