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Find flexible jobs
with Coople.

Download the Coople Jobs App
to discover flexible jobs that work for you.

Get the app

Find jobs for a few hours or for several months, all in the same app.

Plenty of opportunities to learn new skills with every shift you complete.


Get matched with the right companies for you so you feel valued at work.


icon payday

Find jobs for a few hours or for several months, all in the same app.

icon goals

Plenty of opportunities to learn new skills with every shift you complete.

icon teamwork

Get matched with the right companies for you so you feel valued at work.

How to get started

At Coople, we’re all about enabling you to reach your professional or personal goals with flexible, rewarding work. To get you working as soon as possible, we prepared a guide to help you with your first steps.

How it works

At Coople, we’re all about enabling you to reach your professional or personal goals with flexible, rewarding work. To get you working as soon as possible, we prepared a guide to help you with your first steps.

A wide range of opportunities at more than 30,000 firms globally

From exploring or building new skills, to making the most of your experience, the Coople Jobs App has plenty of flexible opportunities to choose from.


"I started working flexibly because I didn't know which industry I wanted to get into. working with Coople let me test out a range of workplaces, and now I have a bunch of transferable skills and experiences I can take with me to my next career stop."

Tom – Customer service agent

"Being able to choose my working days means I can easily fit my shifts around my parenting schedule without needing to ask for time off."

Emma – Office assistant

Start finding flexible jobs today

Download the Coople Jobs App, set up your profile and get matched with the best flexible jobs.

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