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Find flexible Hospitality jobs near you with Coople.

With the Coople Jobs app, you can find flexible jobs in the hospitality industry and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Within the app, you can send applications, manage your calendar, approve the hours you have worked, and view your payslips.

The Coople Jobs App is free and it’s available for Android and iOS. It is your tool for all interactions with Coople.

Get the app

Whether you want to develop your skillset or explore the hospitality job market, with Coople you can find the right employers to feel valued at work.

We make it our mission to connect our Cooplers to rewarding work. We work with Cooplers of all skill levels – no matter your industry background, you can find opportunities across diverse job profiles at different skill, experience, and salary levels with Coople.

Find the right hospitality jobs for you.

Have you already created your account and verified your email? Then you are now able to view the list of jobs available on the platform and start your search. Enter the keywords you are interested in: job title or company name if you already know which one you want to work for. Or, get inspired by browsing the list and filtering by your own criteria. Filter by minimum hourly wage or by geography to see what’s available near you.

Stay active! The more you log in and apply for jobs, the more  job notifications you will get. It’s the easiest way to be successful in your search.

App Map
Coople Job Profile

Tell us more about your expectations by selecting job profiles

With Coople, you have access to a wide range of jobs in the hospitality industry and in other different sectors. Would you like to try a new type of job to diversify your career? It is possible and we encourage you to explore new career opportunities. Whether you are experienced or just starting out, there is a job profile to match your search. Add all the profiles that interest you to your account, even if you are new to the job. The job profiles you select allow our algorithm to know what you are looking for. This will help to offer you a wide variety of jobs.

As soon as you start applying, we will know what you are looking for and will start sending you job notifications.

Here are the job roles we currently offer in the hospitality industry:

Tell us more about your expectations by selecting job profiles

With Coople, you have access to a wide range of jobs in different sectors. Would you like to try a new type of job to diversify your career? It is possible and we encourage you to explore new career opportunities. Whether you are experienced or just starting out, there is a job profile to match your search. Add all the profiles that interest you to your account, even if you are new to the job. The job profiles you select allow our algorithm to know what you are looking for. This will help to offer you a wide variety of jobs

As soon as you start applying, we will know what you are looking for and will start sending you job notifications.

Coople Job Profile

Complete the setup

You need to complete 3 initial steps to start working with Coople.

Download the Coople Jobs App

The Coople Jobs App is where you search and apply for jobs, confirm your working hours and update your worker profile – any time, anywhere. It is essential in order to work with Coople.

Get the app

Prove your legal Right to Work in the UK

As your legal employer, we need to confirm your identity and work permit before we can start working with you. Please upload your ID or passport and a valid work permit (if applicable) to your worker profile.

Improve your chances of getting hired

To maximise your chances of success, it’s a good idea to read through the job requirements and make sure you have the right job profiles added to your account. This will help you determine whether or not you are qualified for the role, saving you valuable time when applying for work.

Adding a great ‘about me’ section and uploading your professional documents will show prospective employers that you’re a good fit for them. Additionally, ensuring that you’re sufficiently prepared for your role will increase your platform reputation and enable you to find more rewarding work to support you in reaching your goals.

Remember to set up job alerts for the type of roles you’re interested in within the Coople Jobs App. This will ensure you don’t miss out whenever new opportunities are posted.

flexible office jobs documents

Are you ready for your next job in the hospitality industry?

Downlad the Coople Jobs App to register today.
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