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Bennett Hay

Maintained high-quality standards for front of house staff with Coople


How Bennett Hay ramped up staffing levels to meet their professional standards and provide high-quality staff to cover both planned and unplanned absences.

Bennett Hay are the UK’s leading bespoke hospitality services with customisable solutions for total guest fulfillment. They are here to shape unique guest experiences for each client to represent their brand and culture. Learn more.



Bennett Hay needed to hire many receptionists and host(ess) to cover both planned and unplanned absences. They required access to consistently hire high-quality staff to meet and exceed clients’ high expectations. Their main challenges were:

Covering up to two weeks of operational gaps across 30+ sites

Finding skilled, motivated candidates to satisfy clients' high expectations

Maintaining operational consistency, when experiencing planned or unplanned absences


Bennett Hay instantly tapped into a pool of 250,000+ flexible workers ready to consistently help cover any of their full-time employee absences. Using the auto-hire feature for favourite workers, shifts were covered within minutes of job posting with preferred and experienced candidates, resulting in a 99.6% coverage rate for absences and sicknesses. Coople bolstered client confidence in Bennett Hays capability to cover FTE’s with skilled and professional short-term workers. Additionally, over 120 weeks of planned and unplanned absences was covered, with some candidates arriving onsite in less than two hours.


Hired high quality

Fully vetted workers

Bolstered client confidence in Bennett Hays capability to cover FTE’s with skilled and professional short-term workers.

Time and cost efficiency

Significantly reduced administrative workload and managerial time for site inductions and trainings for over 30 locations.

You're in charge

Over 120 weeks of planned and unplanned absences was covered by experienced and trained candidates, with some arriving onsite in less than two hours.

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