The art of talent management: How to find and retain the best employees

The art of talent management: How to find and retain the best employees

In today’s corporate landscape, talent management has proved to be the key factor for long-term business success. The art of talent management incorporates a wide range of strategies, practices, and processes aiming at finding qualified employees – so-called “skilled workers“ – as well as retaining them and improving their skills. Identifying individual acquirement, creating a positive working culture, and systematically boosting the employees’ commitment play a crucial role. In this article, we define the most important aspects of talent management and show which key components are required to not only recruit the best staff but also to motivate and retain them on a long-term basis.

What is talent management: Just a buzzword, or is there more behind it?

Talent management sounds very promising, but what does it actually mean? Is it just hype or is there an actual sustainable and significant strategy behind it? According to Heyse & Ortmann (2008), talent management includes the entity of HR measures which lead to the long-term occupation of important roles and positions in the company. Talent management differs from human resource management in aiming at a rare target group which is specifically important for the company’s success. It includes the identification and promotion of skills, also known as talents.

What does ‘talent’ mean?

In the context of talent management, a talent is related to individual skills, aptitudes, and potentials of employees who can significantly contribute to the company’s success. These talents can be both inherent and acquired and they are crucial for the employees’ development, motivation, and commitment.

Other terms that can be used are “skilled“ and “unskilled“ workers. The difference between “skilled“ (with relevant qualifications) and “unskilled“ workers (without relevant qualifications) refer to individual skills which are required to successfully fulfil tasks or fill a position. Unlike “unskilled“ workers, the “skilled“ workers have the necessary expertise or professional experience in order to perform tasks successfully.

Picture with 3 circles in which different people can be seen

How talent management influences the company’s success

Approaching talent management strategically and systematically makes it possible to build a positive company culture and boosts its innovation. Choosing talents wisely and empowering them can create a work environment that supports cooperation and exchange. Working in a positive atmosphere supports the commitment to the company and reduces staff fluctuation. It also boosts creativity and encourages employees to share their ideas and challenge established processes. As a result, your company raises its flexibility in changing markets and gains competitive advantages. But it requires a sophisticated strategy which will be exemplified in the following section.

Talent management strategy: How to use talents in an optimal way

Talent management strategy stands for a greater plan to win the best talents for the company and to then further their professional development to maintain long-term commitment. This strategy contains the precise definition of actual goals, values, and steps to reach those goals. The strategy defines how to embed talent management in the company’s overall vision.

Defining goals and values

Talents can be used to their full extent if they pursue the company’s goals and represent the company’s values. Therefore, it is important as a company to define distinct goals and values acting as guidelines for the individual and collective work of the talents. This will boost both the efficiency and effectiveness of their contributions as well as a positive corporate culture in which the whole staff use their skills for the benefit of the company. Let’s take an innovative tech company as an example. It specialises in sustainable solutions for energy efficiency. It attaches importance to eco-friendliness, social accountability, and technological progress. Hence it is important that the talents employed by the company represent those goals and values. This process already starts during the hiring process. New employees should not only have the required qualifications but should share the company’s values and beliefs. This is important for the current staff as well. To internalize those beliefs, it is vital to constantly communicate them internally.

Configuration of talent management: Looking into the process

Talent management processes should be like a well-organized sequence of steps helping companies implement their talent strategy. These processes cover various areas, including the identification of needs, attracting talents, a smooth onboarding, boosting their skills, checking achievements, prearranging successors, and creating an attractive working environment to retain talents on a long-term basis. We will explain in detail how to implement this process step by step in the following section.

Planning: Identifying needs, strategic plans, and goals

As a first step in the talent management process, it is important to analyse carefully which specific qualifications and competencies will be required in future positions. The internal analysis of, for instance, a healthcare company, could show that it requires increased expertise and a higher number of nursing staff for its further development. So drafting and defining future requirements for talent management becomes an essential task for the company. The precise phrasing of these requirements become more and more important, especially in the healthcare business. Talent planning, or goal setting, ensure that goals and guidelines are defined for the talents.

Sourcing & talent acquisition: finding the best talents and winning them over

After the identification, planning, and goals have been clearly defined, the focus is on finding the greatest talents and trying to win them over. There are several ways of approaching talents and recruiting them. Jobs are traditionally advertised in newspapers or online job boards, which gives candidates the chance to directly apply for a position. Employment agencies act as intermediaries between companies and candidates by picking suitable applicants in a pre-selection. Social media platforms like LinkedIn enable companies to directly communicate and network with experts. Job trade fairs are a platform for direct interaction between companies and candidates. Companies can also create talent pools to identify potential candidates for future occasions.

Picture with 3 circles showing the parts of the recruitment process

Recruiting & selecting: the highway to a strong company

Recruiting and selecting in an effective way builds on the previous steps of the process and lays the groundwork for the successful development of the company. In the recruiting process, the focus is on identifying candidates with ideal skills and qualifications for a specific position. Recruiting should be neither too short nor too long. A hasty recruitment comes with the risk of hiring staff that is not perfectly suitable for the respective position. If the process takes too long, it could deter potential talents as they might decide to accept another position in the meantime. On top of that it affects the pace of the recruiting process if the selection process becomes too intensive. This highlights the importance of a balanced relationship between an in-depth selection process and an efficient recruiting process. It is important to get to know potential candidates better before the actual hiring.

Onboarding & integration: the key to successful onboarding

New staff members can integrate into the team and become productive fast during onboarding if there are appropriate implementation plan, in-company training, team introductions, and hands-on tasks. After all, it is important both for the new employees as well as for the company to have a successful start. To retain employees at an early stage, a suitable concept should be established with the onboarding process. Ideally, this process starts with an introduction phase. This phase starts with signing the contract and ends after the probation period. The idea of the onboarding is to introduce tasks and established processes to the new colleagues in a structured way, to present the corporate culture, and to acquaint them with the rest of the staff.

Performance rating: analysis & evaluation

After successfully completing the recruitment and onboarding and after becoming a well-integrated staff member, it is time for the performance rating phase. The precise analysis and rating of the performance is important in order to gain insight into the efficiency of processes and staff members. An in-depth performance rating allows you to take steps to accentuate strengths and identify areas for further development, with the help of either self-assessment or a personal discussion with superiors. So-called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help to highlight sales figures, service, knowledge, or further goals. KPIs demonstrate whether goals have been reached or which measures need to be taken in order to reach the goals.

Methods & talent development: effective basic approaches

It is essential for a sustainable corporate development to implement efficient methods and to systematically stimulate talents. Staff members get the opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues or senior managers through training courses, professional development, and mentoring programs. They gain valuable insight into their respective departments and special fields and can explore their individual development potentials. Mentoring, for instance, enables direct exchange of knowledge in which talents learn well-tried practices and get the chance to develop further in the long run. The mentor explains modes of operations to the mentee and gives advice on the mentee’s tasks. In this way, good working practices can be continued within the company in the long term.

Graphic display of the individual steps of talent management

Challenges in talent management

Even though CEOs and executives stress the importance of talent management, there are several challenges to be taken into account. Certain branches of trade, industry sectors, and regions suffer to some extent from skilled labour shortages. This complicates identifying suitable talents. On top of that, the promotion and development of talents need time and resources. However, those happen to be limited in many cases. Establishing a positive and diverse corporate culture is another challenge that often demands an extensive planning interval. It is vital to communicate corporate goals and market conditions to achieve this objective. Through communication, the employees gain the ability to flexibly implement company strategies in order to react to changing challenges. Facing theses makes considering talent management strategies even more important.

The future of talent management: How to make it work

It is important to make sure that talent management works efficiently, especially within a dynamic business environment. It is essential to optimally identify, develop, and appoint your talents, who represent the most valuable asset of your company. Talent management shows great promise in the future as it can continually adjust to the technological progress, changing market conditions, and evolving operations. The greatest influence on the preparedness of a company for forthcoming challenges and adjusting to these is the level of agility with which the company reinvents its talent management. Constant adaption to new technologies, market conditions, and operations is the key to successful talent management.

Explore our offer and let us help you incorporate your personal talent management strategy. Find out more on our main website.
Further education for temporary workers: A subsidised investment for the future.

Further education for temporary workers: A subsidised investment for the future.

Over 350,000 people work temporarily in Switzerland every year. Thanks to the temptraining training fund, they benefit from advanced training opportunities and can thus maintain and improve their employability.

In this article, we look at why investing in further education is so important for temporary workers and why temporary workers benefit from a special position.

Why is further education important for temporary workers?

In today’s ever-changing world of work, lifelong learning is essential. Even if the study or training in a profession has long been completed, it is worthwhile to continue investing in your own knowledge. In today’s fast-moving world of work, it is important to stay on track, keep learning and always be open to changes that occur in working life. This is especially true for temporary workers, who often face the challenge of having to adapt quickly to new work environments. Continuous further education can not only improve career opportunities, but also increase professional flexibility and satisfaction.

Advantages of further education for temporary workers

Continuing education plays an important role in personal development, as new tasks and challenges also increase motivation and thus the joy of working. In addition, self-esteem is boosted and one approaches tasks with more self-confidence.

Temporary workers are employed in a variety of industries, from catering and retail to office work and healthcare. Targeted training enables them to acquire or deepen industry-specific expertise, which increases the quality of their work. Another aspect is the diversity of occupational fields in which temporary employees can work. The offer of further education in Switzerland, combined with the possibility of gaining specific professional experience in flexible deployments, also paves the way for career changers. In this way, a preferred change of industry may be achieved much more quickly than by changing permanent positions several times.

Temporary employment often requires quick adaptation to new work environments and team structures. Professional development education helps develop the ability to navigate different contexts and become productive quickly.

Employees who invest in their education and make the most of their further education opportunities are more attractive to potential employers. Commitment to personal and professional development demonstrates motivation and self-initiative.

Consequently, through continuous further education, temporary workers broaden their range of skills. This enables them to qualify for more diverse positions and possibly even consider long-term employment. In addition, continuing education often means that the flexible workers, after successful completion, are also classified higher in the salary segment and can thus earn more in future employments than before.

temptraining, the training fund for temporary workers

Temporary employees, who are covered by the Collective Employment Contract on Staff Leasing, benefit from subsidised further education. It is possible to apply for up to CHF 5,000 for further education and up to CHF 2,250 for loss of salary.

On the payslips, which temporary employment agencies issue, 0.4 percent is also deducted for the “GAV contribution” in addition to social deductions. This contribution flows into the temptraining training fund, among other things. At the same time, the personnel service provider contributes 0.4 percent of the salary.

temptraining supports courses that help temporary workers advance in their jobs – i.e. are relevant to their careers – and make them fit for the future: language courses, occupational safety training, computer courses, further professional education or career counselling. Temporary workers can undergo training or further education in their current field of activity, or acquire important skills to reeducate in a new area.

temptraining points out that they consciously do not offer any schools or courses themselves, as the diversity of temporary workers is too great. Therefore, temptraining refers to certified training institutes that offer courses in the diverse professions and sectors of temporary workers. It is important that the course takes place at a school that is approved by temptraining.

What is the eligibility for temptraining funding?

Temporary employees accumulate further education credits for every hour they have worked in the last 12 months. From 88 working hours, the credit can then be used by submitting an application for further training to temptraning. At this point, they are already entitled to CHF 500 for further education and CHF 250 for loss of salaries.

Due to the changes in the regulations as of 1 September 2023, the amount for further education increases by an additional CHF 5.68 for every hour worked flexibly. How much money an employee has available for further education therefore depends on the number of temporary working hours worked in the past 12 months.

An offer that permanent employees can usually only dream of. It is therefore worthwhile to keep checking the eligibility for support and to adopt the mindset of lifelong learning!

The new temptraining web portal

Over the last few months, temptraining has been intensively looking for solutions to optimise its existing processes for submitting applications and to make it even easier for temporary workers to use their accumulated training credits. As of 1 October 2023, this will be possible via a new web portal.

The application process will be partially automated to reduce waiting times. In addition, temporary employees can now search directly in the web portal for approved courses and continuing education opportunities and view their current training credit at any time.

Claudio Trenna, the head of temptraining sums it up as follows:

“We are pleased to now make access to further education for flexible workers even more simple and direct with our redesigned web portal. Acquiring more expert knowledge and improving one’s opportunities for promotion in the job are two of the most frequently stated motivators for temporary workers to consider further education. With the change in regulations, we hope to receive and approve even more applications in the future.”

Click here to access the new web portal

How the application process works at temptraining

The application process is now possible not only in advance, but also up to 12 months after the start of the course.

“Temporary workers are also free to choose the timing of their training. They can receive further education benefits from temptraining up to 12 months after their temporary employment. This gives them the flexibility to optimally coordinate their professional career and further education,” Myra Fischer-Rosinger, Director of swissstaffing, recently emphasised.

It should be taken into account that further education must first be self-financed. The funding from temptraining is only paid out after successful completion of a course. Successful completion is considered to be when at least 80% of a continuing education or retraining course has been completed. In order for temptraining to transfer the approved amount, they need the relevant evidence.

Cooples flexible employees can find their payslip in the Coople Jobs App. They can upload these to temptraining’s new web portal to access their allotment of temporary hours worked. Now they can filter for suitable courses and submit an application for further education support to temptraining. Flexible employees can therefore register on the new temptraining web portal, check how many temporary working hours they have already worked and the amount of further training to which they are entitled as well as search for suitable further education and submit their application.

Further information about temptraining

Detailed information, explanatory videos, support examples and much more can be found on the temptraining website von temptraining. If you have any questions, temptraining can be contacted at 044 388 95 30 (Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 15:30) or at

How do temporary employees find the right training?

It is not so easy to find the right further education programme. It is certainly helpful to first try to define what skills and knowledge you would like to acquire. This can help you to look specifically for continuing education that corresponds to your professional goals.

If there is still uncertainty about which path is the right one, Coople offers support in cooperation with temptraining and eduwo. On the edwuo website, temporary employees are provided with a digital career coach or further education finder. Users automatically receive course recommendations based on their needs and interests.

If personal counselling is preferred, eduwo also offers help here. Until the end of 2023, temporary employees can book a free continuing education consultation worth CHF 100. Simply choose a suitable date and time and get advice from an education expert. Please note: The offer is limited in time and number.

Click here for the digital career advisor

Here you can book a personal consultation

We’re celebrating Coopler Eugen’s 100th shift

We’re celebrating Coopler Eugen’s 100th shift

Our Coopler Eugen has completed over 100 jobs since his registration with Coople in August 2022 – congratulations for this milestone. Thanks to Coople, Eugen can supplement his retirement savings by working as a chef. In addition, it’s preventing him from getting bored in his retirement, he gets to know new people and can expand his business as a private chef.

Why did you join Coople?

“A friend I worked with at Adecco recommended Coople to me. So I looked it up and registered. Just 5 days after my registration, on the 11th of August 2022, I completed my first Coople job on a farm in Zurich Oberland. After that, I received one job offer after the other.”

“The registration process is fairly easy and good. There is a lot to fill in, but that was no problem for a former hotel manager like me.”

“I have completed training as a chef and then graduated hotel management school. After that, I only cooked as a side job or hobby and travelled all over the world professionally as a hotel manager. I managed hotels in 15 countries. Then, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a job as general manager in the hotel industry anymore and had to rethink my career. So I started working as a chef again and built up my own business as private chef for events. You can, for example, book me via voucher providers such as Smartbox, etc. “

What new industries/job profiles were you able to discover thanks to Coople?

“I tried service once and have always remained true to the hospitality sector. I applied as driver a few times, but wasn’t hired for these jobs.”

What new professional experiences and knowledge have you gained through Coople Jobs?

“Having worked in so many hotels all over the world, I already brought a wide range of experience to the table. I really enjoy working with different people though. Everyone does certain things a little differently and in their own ways, so you can always learn something new.”

What are your personal or professional goals at the moment?

“At my age, I no longer have any major professional goals. I’m looking to continue working flexibly to supplement my OASI a little. Apart from that, I’m always eager to learn new things and to work with different people. Of course, I also want to continue and expand my business as private chef. And the most important goal is probably to live and enjoy life!”

“The flexible jobs at Coople help me stay busy during my retirement and earn some extra money.

How does Coople help you to achieve these goals?

“I definitely don’t get bored. The flexible jobs help me to stay busy and earn extra money.”

What is your favorite memory when you think of your time with Coople so far?

“I think it was working at the 5-star Dolder Grand Hotel in Zurich. I did my apprenticeship there 52 years ago. The kitchen looks completely different today than it did when I was 16 years old, but I still knew exactly where the head chef’s office was. That was funny. Today it’s a beautiful kitchen with a little garden in the middle. In the evening, I carved entrecote for the guests, which reminded me a lot of my apprenticeship days, and I was able to use my knowledge of 5 foreign languages.”

What is the most special thing that has ever happened to you on a Coople job?

“I was employed for a while in a men’s home in Lucerne on Mondays and Tuesdays. There were people who were on the downside of life. I was responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the people liked me very much. They all wanted me to stay longer because they liked my food better than that from any other chef who worked there.”

What advice would you give to new Coopers who have just registered?

“Apply every day! I’m constantly in the app checking if anything new has come in. I often am amongst the first applicants. Additionally, I make sure that I always arrive at the job site about half an hour earlier than the job starts. Then, of course, it’s also important to give it your all every time and show a lot of commitment.”

Find more exciting stories and experiences from our Cooplers on our community page.
How can I upload professional documents to my profile?

How can I upload professional documents to my profile?

Adding professional documents such as certificates, diplomas and any licenses you may have is a great way of showing off your skills and experience. This will also improve your profile and help you stand out as a great candidate.

What documents can you upload?

There’s a variety of documents you can upload via the Coople Job App. These include:

  • Diplomas: if you have any diplomas from completed courses, make sure to upload it to your profile to show off your education and professional training
  • Driving licenses: some jobs require a driving license. To receive such job requests and to apply successfully to these roles, make sure you add your driving license to your documents
  • Certificates: from language certificates to emergency first aid and mixology, we have a wide range of certificates you can upload
  • CV: to increase your chances of getting hired, it’s a good idea to upload and regularly update your CV. Read here for more information on how you can create a great CV

How can I upload my professional documents?

To upload your documents, make sure you have them saved on your phone or cloud system (such as Google Drive, iCloud or Microsoft365). Alternatively, you can take a picture of your document(s) with the Coople Job App.

  1. Open the Coople Job App
  2. Tap on Profile at the bottom right
  3. Tap on Documents, then tap Add Document
  4. Select the document type you want to upload
  5. Take a photograph of your document or upload from your phone or cloud system. Make sure the photo is clear, non-blurry and shows the document in full

And you’re all set!

For more information on how you can improve your profile, take a look at the links below.

Why do people take on temporary work? The answers might surprise you.

Why do people take on temporary work? The answers might surprise you.

In 2020, we surveyed over 900 of our Cooplers (the flexible workers on Coople’s platform) to understand why they look for temporary work and what attracts them to specific flexible jobs.

As expected, many of them use our platform to reach their earnings goals with extra shifts, or stay flexible to care for family. More surprisingly, the largest group of them work flexibly to acquire new skills or discover their abilities.

When it comes to selecting jobs, temporary workers share the same needs as your permanent team. They want to contribute and be part of a great team.

Have a look at our data for more insights:

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