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Many of you are entitled to receiving money for further education! As a Coopler, you benefit from the “GAV staff leasing” collective bargaining agreement. This governs all the framework conditions for fair and legally compliant employment.

What many Cooplers don’t know: if you have worked at least 88 hours via Coople in the past 12 months, you are one of the lucky people who are entitled to up to 5’000 francs for a training course and potentially up to 2’250 francs for loss of earnings!

Have you noticed that in addition to your social security contributions, 0.7 percent is deducted for the “GAV” on your Coople payslip? Among other things, these contributions are paid into the temptraining further training fund. If you would like to attend a training course in the near future, regardless of whether you are interested in languages, occupational safety, computing or specific professional training, it is worth checking your bursary eligibility.

The amount of money you can receive depends on the number of temporary hours you have worked over the past 12 months. To make use of this opportunity, you will need to meet the following conditions:

  • The application for a bursary must be submitted to temptraining BEFORE the start of the training.
    However, you must first finance the further education yourself. You will only receive the bursary from temptraining after you have completed 80% of the course. If a course has already begun, you will unfortunately not receive any money for it, but you can already start looking for a next training.
  • You fall under the staff leasing collective bargaining agreement or your last employment was no more than 12 months ago and you have worked at least 88 hours.
    That corresponds to approximately two weeks of full-time workload. If you work as a temp on different platforms which are subject to the staff leasing collective bargaining agreement, you can add these work hours together.
  • The further education keeps you in good shape for the labour market or contributes to your professional development.
    Courses for professional reorientation are therefore also supported. The further education selected must be held in Switzerland and in one of the numerous schools recognised by temptraining.

How to receive your money: this offer is not operated by Coople, but entirely by temptraining directly through the temp staff training fund. You must submit your application to temptraining BEFORE the further education begins and wait for the results. You must pay the costs of the course yourself and attend at least 80% of the course. You must then submit all necessary proof and the cash granted will be transferred to you by temptraining.

Three questions to the Head of temptraining, Claudio Trenna:

imageIn 2019, about 11,000 applications were submitted with 8,400 of these being approved. What is the main reason for an application being rejected?
The main reason for rejection is an application being submitted too late. Applications are also rejected if they do not meet the temptraining requirements (e.g. insufficient work hours documented, courses held abroad or in schools which are not recognised by temptraining).

Only 17% of applicants are women. Is there any reason for this?
There are more men in the pool of temp staff. The main reason for this lies in the mix of sectors and skills. Temporary workers play an important buffer role in the construction and industrial sectors during peak periods. Both sectors employ far more men than women. (Source: swissstaffing, temp staff in Switzerland 2018)

Which type of training is most in demand?
Depending on the sector of activity, different courses are in demand. Language courses – especially in the national languages of DE, FR, and IT – and occupational safety courses are often requested. There is also considerable interest in courses for fork-lift drivers and machinists as well as in different business courses.

Detailed information, explanatory videos, examples of allowances, and much more can be found at www.temptraining.ch. If you have any questions, you can reach temptraining by calling 044 388 95 30 (Mon. to Fri.: 10 a.m. – 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.) or at info@temptraining.ch.

So what are you waiting for? You can find your payslips in your Coople Jobs App: get your calculators out, count up your hours, find a course and send your application to temptraining!

Happy learning!

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