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The employment services association, swissstaffing, has renewed Coople’s certification with the quality label for the fourth time. The swissstaffing label represents ethical working and high professional standards in the industry. The label is reviewed every three years and the audit is conducted by the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS).

Successfully passing the recertification audit is a requirement to remain a member of swissstafffing and is recognised nationally with the SQS certificate. The following topics were examined:

  • Documents, regulations, and data protection
  • Staff leasing – temporary recruitment
  • Occupational safety, absence management
  • Management

  • Since 2009, Coople has pursued the goal of providing a platform that enables a better life: for people who have realised that the world of work has changed into a life-centred world; for companies that rely on flexible staff at peak times; and for large companies whose business strategy has included integrating flexible workers from the very beginning.

    Yves Schneuwly: “Passing the recertification audit again shows us one important thing: even after 13 years, our efforts to work according to the highest quality standards have not diminished – despite or even because of the rapid growth of recent years. Our partners, the industry, our employees and especially our Cooplers benefit from this.”

    Further information about the quality label can be found here.