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Thanks to Coople, a leading Swiss discounter found and employed more than 600 specialists across Switzerland within less than 48 hours.


Due to the COVID-19 crisis, one of the biggest supermarket discounters in Switzerland approached Coople to find the staff they needed to to secure the safety of their customers. They had to position staff at the entrance to guard the number of entrees, answer questions and reassure customers.

  • Keeping up with the COVID-19 measures to guarantee the safety of the thousands of visitors a day
  • Recruitment of additional staff for over 150 branches in the three language regions of Switzerland.


How did Coople help?

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the discount supermarket urgently needed to guarantee the safety of the thousands of customers who visited their stores daily. To ensure everyone stayed safe and their customer service levels didn’t suffer, over 600 extra workers were required within 48 hours. Keeping up with the COVID-19 measures to guarantee the safety of the thousands of visitors a day.


With over 300,000 registered specialists, the Coople platform offers operational services the opportunity to access a large pool of flexible employees at any time. Thanks to the advanced algorithm, the advertised vacancies at the discounter were quickly filled by motivated employees with the right skills and experience.

  1. Create jobs
    The supermarket chain used the simple Job creator in the app to create and publish a job within minutes. They set the salary, position and experiences required.
  2. Discovery proccess
    The job was automatically matched with available employees using the Coople algorithm. The employees were able to apply and the employers reviewed the applicants for their CV and ratings before hiring them.
  3. Confirm hours
    After the job is completed, the supermarket double checks the logged working hours. The platform then takes over and completes all administrative work, and payroll.


  • Fully vetted workers: Found over 2.500 qualified candidates within a few hours
  • Fast delivery: Selection of over 600 motivated workers who were ready to work within 48 hours
  • Time Saving: Flexibility of employees and personnel, provides a possible reduction in hours of work


What our client said about the collaboration:

We are very satisfied with the platform in the WEB and the app is excellently implemented.

Personnel Manager Discount-Supermarket