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Completeing a Coople CV is one of the most important things you’ll have to do before you can begin working with Coople. Along with proper identification, Coople needs to check your CV to make sure you have the right experience and skills for the job profiles that you apply with.

We’ve previously given you tips on how to optimize your CV for a job application, where we showed you how to structure your professional working experience and include your educational background, soft skills, and hard skills in a presentable way. However, a Coople CV is different from the CV that you would submit to a potential employer. When uploading your CV onto Coople, here are some important things to keep in mind.

More is More in your Coople CV

Compared to applying for jobs directly with an employer, applying for jobs on Coople is easier. Part of what makes Coople great for workers and employers is that it foregoes the interview process: with Coople, you get to work—fast! Once your Coople profile is up and running, applying for jobs is as simple as a tap on your mobile phone.

Because there is no interview process involved, it’s important that you show all of your experiences and skills on your Coople CV. This document should not just contain “enough information”—it should contain all the information relevant to the jobs you want to apply for.

What to Include in a Coople CV

There are thousands of different jobs available on Coople. The good news is that you only need one Coople CV to apply for what you want. That’s why it’s important to include all the relevant professional experience you have. Even if you think that a certain certificate or a volunteer experience is insignificant, you should include it if it demonstrates your expertise or competence in a certain role.

Education: Include all the education (Kantonsschule, Gymnasium, Berufsmaturität, Universität) you hav received or are pursuing, including their completion status: was the education completed, terminated, or is it in progress? You also want to include any certifications for languages and other skills. Do you have a driver’s license? Add that too if you want to apply for a job which requires driving!
Previous work experience: List all the work experience you have as precisely as you can (ex. 7 January 2017—18 March 2017), no matter how small or brief. This is important because the Coople team needs to see all your relevant work experience in order to verify your Job Profiles. For some jobs, every hour of experience counts, so make sure to write down all your experiences.

About Coople job profiles

Part of what’s cool about Coople is that you don’t need to get stuck doing the same job every day. When you sign up for Coople, you’ll be able to select up to 140 job profiles. These are roles with which you have training or experience, and they determine what kind of Coople jobs you are eligible for. Coople’s job profiles are vast and varied, ranging from Event Assistance to Sales Agent to Aviation Logistician.

Don’t have any prior experience? Don’t worry, we have novice level job profiles available. You can add job profiles for which you don’t have any previous experience and would like to gain working experience for. Just keep in mind that for job profiles that are not listed as Novice Level to be approved, the Coople team needs to see any related experience in your CV.

PRO TIP: Don’t wait to apply. Once you’ve submitted your identification, uploaded your Coople CV, and picked out your Job Profiles, start applying! Don’t wait for the Coople team to verify your account before starting to apply for jobs: your profile will be checked and verified before your first shift.

In Summary

Creating a Coople CV may be a bit different than what you’re used to, but it’s really as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. There are no interviews at Coople, so you’ll need to mention all your skills and experiences directly in your CV: the more information the better!
  2. Select from 1 to 140 job profiles for which you have qualifications. The Coople team will verify and approve your Job Profiles based on the information in your Coople CV.
  3. You can start applying for jobs as soon as you’ve uploaded your identification, your Coople CV, and have selected your Job Profiles—you’ll need to apply first to kick off the Job Profile verification process.

Applying for jobs is exciting, and the tips above should help you get on your way. If you run into any questions, know that Coople’s Customer Care Team is ready to hear from you.