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How Firstsource fulfilled their workload by streamlining their recruitment process with Coople.


Firstsource is a business process solutions company, helping their clients be more efficient and save money. They create value for their global clients, by elevating their customer experience at every interaction. Learn more about Firstsource.


Company Size:

23,000+ employees



Outsourcing and Offshoring Consulting



Global – 5 countries


Firstsource were looking for a reliable staffing partner they could trust to consistently meet their clients’ demand across the UK. Juggling multiple traditional agencies created additional admin and management work for their in-house teams. Firstsource required an easy, flexible staffing solution to find full-time staff to fulfil their workload.

Sourcing high quality candidates who had contact centre experience proved challenging. Especially in Birmingham, where Firstsource typically struggled to find suitable candidates. Furthermore, Firstsource needed a large volume of workers starting every couple of weeks.

Their main challenges were:

Sourcing high quality, experienced contact centre agents for financial clients.

Finding large volumes of new candidates bi-weekly for permanent contracts.

Time investment managing multiple traditional agencies who were unable to meet their demand.

How did Coople help?

With Coople, Firstsource found a staffing partner they could trust to find experienced contact centre agents across the UK. Coople were able to consistently deliver 16-24 permanent staff bi-weekly in Birmingham. Alongside the Coople platform, the support of the internal Coople team ensured the quality and skillset of each candidate was appropriate for the role. The flexibility and efficiency partnering with Coople allowed Firstsource to streamline their recruitment process.



Trustworthy, consistent delivery.

One staffing solution.

Consolidated their staffing solution to one provider, Coople, who they could trust to meet demand.

High quality candidates.

Robust processes were in place to ensure suitably experienced and skilled candidates were sourced.

Consistent candidate supply.

Delivered bi-weekly intakes of 16-24 permanent workers in Birmingham.

Reduced administration work with Coople.

Coople had a robust recruitment process in place and sourced experienced and high-quality customer service agents on a regular basis. Firstsource were happily able to meet demand nationwide with Coople, most notably in Birmingham, where they were previously challenged to find suitable staff. If you have similar staffing challenges and want to learn more about how Coople can help you, get in touch today.

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