National Minimum Wage increase: The National Minimum Wage regulations set the lowest rates of pay all UK workers must...
Company resources
How can Coople help you navigate staffing after Brexit?
Brexit changes raise a number of questions for employers. For hiring companies in need of reliable,...
Why do people take on temporary work? The answers might surprise you.
In 2020, we surveyed over 900 of our Cooplers (the flexible workers on Coople’s platform) to understand why they look...
Digital Staffing Platforms and the Transformation in HR
If you’re not making use of digital staffing solutions in your recruitment process, you’re missing out. Technology has...
Happiness in Hospitality 2020/2021: An industry surveyed in its most challenging year
With COVID-19 and Brexit, the hospitality industry has faced hard hitting changes over the past 12 months....
Who needs a permanent workforce?
Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) research has suggested as much as 20% of all employment in the UK now falls under the...
Why Coople’s workers are not affected by the UK Supreme Court ruling
On 19th February 2021, the UK Supreme Court ruled that ride-hailing drivers must be treated as “workers” rather than...
Temporary staffing: how can you implement flexible staff to emerge successfully from COVID-19?
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the hiring landscape Various industries have experienced seismic shifts...
We are open for business and have qualified retail, warehouse and call centres staff
Are you looking for staff to help you fill shelves or answer calls? Or is your business shifting away from Central...